Monday, January 17, 2011

A Tunnel to...

Cu Chi! 

After coming back from the Mekong, Kelly and I decided to go on a little day group tour out to the Cu Chi tunnels, tunnels where whole villages went underground to avoid US bombs. There are miles upon miles of these tunnels with different levels and areas for different purposes. 

Where'd he go?

This was a quick bomb cover hole and a way to hide during battle. 

Go Kelly go!


We then walked through one of the actual tunnels (well, kind of actual, this is a real tunnel but they widened it a bit for giant foreigners)

We walked the length of a football field in this tunnel. It was tiring!

There were some huge tall Australians behind us that had to give up and take a side way out because they were too big. It was hilarious. 

The tunnels were a really cool experience to wander around the jungle and see all the traps, hidey-holes and tunnels. You also had a chance to shoot real guns from the war, but it was expensive so Kelly and I sat instead. Haha. 

Although it was a tour with a big group, it was a nice relaxing day not having to worry about anything more than falling in hidden holes.  

1 comment:

  1. omg, walking through really tiny tunnels for long periods of time is nott my fave. I did that in the pyramids and I totally got claustrophobic, which I don't normally, but still haha. It must have been really cool to see those though :)
