Thursday, January 31, 2013

LATE Volcán Villarica, CHILE

The ride to the base starting point 

Yeah, that's what we're climbing. 

I have zero to none photos of the ascent. I cannot be blamed. I was tweaking. 

Crampons. Slippery slopes. Ice picks with little explanation of how to use them. 

Mix that with a fear of heights and general nervousness walking on slippery slope and you have an ascent filled with watching the person's feet in front of me and just me repeatedly thinking, if you fall Lucy, don't let go of the ice pick. Don't let go of the ice pick.

Don't let go of the ice pick. 

Oh and, if your crampons are on, don't fucking use your feet to stop your fall or youll break your legs. 

The ascent, needless to say, was terrifying. After hearing countless stories of people slipping and dying, and e, myself experiencing the harrowing heights and slopes, I was freaked. 


Through it all, I somehow made it to the top. 

While the crampons definitely made it easier, I promised myself not to do something quite that scary for quite a while. 

Here I am at the top in my little helmet. 

Full snow gear with our guide. 


Near the crater. 

This is us that afternoon. A bit sunburnt. A bit slap happy. 



  1. LIFT shirt representt.

    But, seriously, that climb sounds terrifying, and if you were terrified, I don't even want to imagine how I'd feel. But props for finishing and not dying!

    1. Hahahah. I'm so impressed that you see the LIFT shirt. I just had to scour the photos to see what I was wearing.

      I brought LIFT down this time too. It's my official running shirt. Running it's way through South America.
